absolutely knackered... in a good way

We have spent most of the weekend doing redecorating at the new place, we have stripped the wallpaper in the living room, plastered any holes etc, sized the walls, and done a coat of paint on the ceiling, one more coat to go and we can hang wallpaper.

I had a sleep in this morning, my hips are killing me from all the up and down steps etc. I am going to take some panadol though and get back into it once I have had my cuppa.

its quite exciting having our own home, I cooked our first meal there last night which was cool. We have taken O's portacot over so hes been able to sleep while we work which has been really good. We have got to take a light fitting out today, its two 6 ft fluorescent tubes in the middle of the living room ceiling, great light but crap in every other way. D


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