Little sister staying

having kids of my own has made me realise that I am so lucky to have my wee sister as one of my best and closest friends. She is currently in the process of seperating from her husband and I am happy that she knows that I am there for her whatever happens in her life.

I am trying to get my kids to form this sort of bond too.... mum and dad always told us that once they were gone we would only have each other, hubbies can come and go but sisters dont. its a good philosophy and for us it has worked. R was there for me last year when my life spiraled outta control and I am there for her at the moment when she needs me.

I actually cant imagine not being friends with her, we get on really well, share common interests and arent much different in ages....

So if you read this little sis... just remember that I love you always, you are a great wee sister and I am lucky to have you in my life.... ps thanks mum and dad too....


Puerhan said...
September 3, 2008 at 8:02 PM

Hey D, sorry to hear R is separating, it can be a tough process! Please pass on my best wishes to her. x E

Azlemed said...
September 9, 2008 at 9:30 AM

Thanks E, will do that, hes found someone else, a friend of theirs so shes rather angry at the moment... but she got a job interview today with DOC at Mt cook, which would be very cool for her. love D

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