In the garden

after having coffee on Thursday night with the awesome Deborah, we were sitting in the car admiring my delightfully over grown front garden... actually we were talking about what needed to be gotten rid of and what would look better in its place...

Yesterday I mowed the front lawn and while I had the spade out trying to sort the edges I got carried away and we now have now plants in front of the house bar one which Ben and I didn't have the energy to move... theres still some grass to be tamed but that's ok...

so whats next.. umm we aren't sure, we both love native trees so we are thinking of doing some form of hedge at the front of the section for privacy as white picket fences cost a small fortune and we like trees  that are still living better.... It was really good to get out there and make some difference as it was beginning to look really unloved... it was great getting rid of the nasty huge geraniums and fuchsia's that were well past their best by date.

I have one gripe though... we loaded all the green waste on the trailer and it cost $30 to dump it... was not impressed with that bit of it at all...

love D


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