world turned upside down

On Tuesday our old hometown was torn apart by an earthquake, we have been reading and looking at photos on line, using twitter, and glued to facebook to see that our loved ones are ok... its just devastating and so hard to watch it all...

My parents in law are all ok, and have suffered damage to their houses but that its nothing compared to those that have lost loved ones.

I have offered to be a drop off place for Scamps Eco boutiques collection, and have pledged to make something for handmade for christchurch ( a collective of craft Mums I belong too)... We are looking at sending Benjamin down there to help our family and friends with the clean up.

Its damn hard being here and unable to physically help so I figure that I will just keep using the net and put any info I see out on twitter and facebook, its better than doing nothing.

love D

In the garden

after having coffee on Thursday night with the awesome Deborah, we were sitting in the car admiring my delightfully over grown front garden... actually we were talking about what needed to be gotten rid of and what would look better in its place...

Yesterday I mowed the front lawn and while I had the spade out trying to sort the edges I got carried away and we now have now plants in front of the house bar one which Ben and I didn't have the energy to move... theres still some grass to be tamed but that's ok...

so whats next.. umm we aren't sure, we both love native trees so we are thinking of doing some form of hedge at the front of the section for privacy as white picket fences cost a small fortune and we like trees  that are still living better.... It was really good to get out there and make some difference as it was beginning to look really unloved... it was great getting rid of the nasty huge geraniums and fuchsia's that were well past their best by date.

I have one gripe though... we loaded all the green waste on the trailer and it cost $30 to dump it... was not impressed with that bit of it at all...

love D

project 2011 7/52

wow its really been 6 posts for this already, blimmen heck....

what have I achieved this week....

  • have recieved 3 orders to make and bought the fabric to do them
  • taken the kids to do the kids triathlons on Monday
  • Roller skating lessons for the girls on Tuesday
  • found out about roller derby lessons for me
  • visited friends
  • lost 500 grams, and no I dont need to look for them again :)
  • drunk less coke
  • blogged for diary of Mumpreneur
not too bad....

love d

project 2011 6/52

so this week has been pretty good, its great having the kids back into school/kindy routine....

things I have achieved this week.....

  • sewn a gorgeous ruffled apron as a present for miss L's friend
  • weighed in and lost 2kg since starting my losing weight goal// down to 93 kg... down from 99 at this time last year.
  • lost 3 cm of 3 of my measurements this week, awesome....
  • kept up with myfitnesspal and only gone over in calories today
I have set myself a strange goal to achieve this year, and my hubby doesnt get it at all, I want to fit into my wedding dress... I havent fitted it since I turned 21... yep 13 long years, so I want to fit into it again.... its a size 14/16 and I currently wear a 18. 

love d

out of the mouth of babes

we were talking this morning at breakfast about how tvnz/government was changing Kidzone tv into something aimed at teenagers.... Miss 7 brilliantly says.. they (the government) are like coyote, they just do something and don't think about it first" wow shes so awesome.....

They are rather addicted to watching Roadrunner and Tom and Jerry so see the consequences of not thinking.

I was just using facebook and Miss 7 noticed I have a green twibbon over my picture... whats that for Mama.... that's because the government is giving Kindy's less money and I don't like it.... miss 7 that's bad kindy is important.

I am proud that my kids are growing up with a social conscience and are aware of the world around them

project 2011 5/52

wow its Thursday already, I really have no idea where that week has even gone.... so what have I achieved this week... mmmm

I finally finished the wee skirt I started 3 weeks ago for K.. its so cute, I have made 2 headbands for school, ummm lost a couple of cm's off my hips, got the girls back to school for the year with all the entails, and got O back to kindy with changed hours....

we achieved a family night away in Wellington which was so good, we really needed to have some fun together again after being so stressed recently.

I have dropped Miss N back to one feed at night and we are working on changing that too... Yay.

Not a bad week really when I write it all down.

And not that it was me, but the biggest achievement ever was the submission of Bens's thesis on Monday at Uni, yahoo.....
love D

its so quiet

school and kindy started back today.. and wow is it quiet here..... Bubs is sleeping, and the other three are at school and kindy. It was a good start, we managed to leave before 8:30am, and the girls are both happy to be back. Miss L has lots of friends in her class and so does Miss K. Mr O has started doing 2 mornings a week at kindy which is a change from the 3 afternoons, and his best friend started kindy this morning, it was so nice seeing them all so happy to see their friends.

I joke about living in middle class suburbia, but it does have some nice things that go with it... our children have nice friends, and we can walk them to school, its nice, its comfortable and I am beginning to think that actually its not that bad a place to be.

so my silent time is really weird though after having so much noise and chaos its kind of hard to know what to do next... I have cleaned the kitchen, moved the table so the high chair is in a better spot, and am just about to start on the lounge... wow this having one kid at home might be more productive than I thought.

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