day three...

I am a bit of a weepy mess today, I was expecting it though so its possibly better than it could have been. I managed to get out for a wee while today though which was nice, just to ezibuy and farmers with my sister and bubs, was nice to be out of the house for a while.

I am currently sitting at home alone.... the first time I have been by myself for days and its really nice in some ways, Rebecca and Ben have gone to print photos etc and the kids are all sleeping, I should probably have gone to bed too but I want to have a shower before bed and I wont be able to hear N if she wakes so I will just wait for a while before I have one.

N is awesome, shes breastfeeding beautifully, my milk has come in so we don't have to deal with yucky meconium nappies anymore either which is great, we had Paula visit today and shes happy with how the both of us are doing. She took the clamp off N's cord stump and did the heal prick test, the girls weren't very impressed with that part of things today. N is sleeping ok, but its hard to get used to being up at strange hours to feed her. I am managing to get some extra sleep in the daytime though which is helping.

Mr O is very good with N, hes a wee bit rough at times but hes only 2 so I dont expect very much from him, he gives her kisses though and calls her baby. The big girls are great with her, they love giving her cuddles and talking to her.

I can hear N snuffling so had better get organised for the next feed. D

She is here

Natalya is here, she was born at 7:34am yesterday morning weighing 8lb 8oz or 3.88kg, my waters broke on due date as I left a shop( very stereotypical lol). So we knew she would arrive in around 24hrs, I went to see midwife on Tuesday evening and got acupuncture done to help bring on labour, I woke around 5am on Wed morning with contractions so we got up and organised everything to go up to hospital. We met Paula up there around 5:45am and had to wait to get a line put in my hand, because of the registrars taking too long doing it I missed out on my water birth, I used gas this time to get through the contractions. Natalya was born in one big push and Ben delivered her, my sister got to cut the cord which was very cool too,

Shes just lovely, sleeping and feeding well, we came home from hospital around 10:30am because I had decided that I didn't want to stay in there when I could be at home with my family.


due date tomorrow

tomorrow is officially my due date, but babies are notorious for coming when they want and on their own timetable. I am hoping though that its sooner rather than later for this bump. We took some more photos yesterday so I have added a few on here, I am rather amazed at how big I am sideways... I suppose its because I don't see myself from that view so don't realise how big I am.


Vegemite vs Marmite

I am a vegemite eater.... yep I have said it, I don't like marmite, I will eat it if I have too but would rather not touch it.

But what I really wonder is why this polarises people.... why is it one or the other, does it have to be one or the other? I don't know of any other spread that has this one vs the other going on or does it exist and I just haven't heard about it....

Maybe its just a kiwi or aussie thing, Ben doesn't like either of them, he prefers Nutella, so it might just be an antipodean thing....

Either way I am intrigued by the whole thing and wonder what others think.

39 wks, 1 day

am in countdown mode big time, was supposed to see my midwife today but she got called to the hospital for a mum in preterm labour. So I will see her tomorrow.

I think I have gotten Bubs around to a better position, but probably need to spend some more time on the swiss ball just to help keep it where I think it is.

I have had miss K home for the last 3 days with tonsillitis. Poor wee poppet. Mr O is turning 2 on Friday, we are just having some cake and things after school, its too hard to do much more when we cant guarantee that I will be here.

I am just hoping that baby comes today or tomorrow or waits till Monday, My midwife has this weekend off and I would rather have her to deliver bubs, and I don't want to have baby on Mr O's birthday.


Spinning Babies

I have spent a while reading about this on the web of late, why? Because I am trying to spin a baby myself, what it is is when you are trying to move a bay in utero to a more favourable birth position, in my case we are trying to move from left occiput posterior to left occiput anterior.

And tonight it feels like the 6 hours I spent today might actually be paying off. I have been leaning on all fours against the swiss ball, sleeping on my left side, sitting with my pelvis tilted forward, any of the above for most of my day, and tonight baby feels like its more towards the front, its made some big movements tonight and I have actually felt the smaller movements come around.

Birthing posterior babies naturally is possible, it just takes longer and can be more painful hence the reason that I am spending time trying to move baby before I go into labour, posterior labours are generally less effective too which is another reason that I want bubs in the right place when things finally happen.

So I am hoping that at 39 wks (in 20 minutes time) we may have had some success and be in labour some time soon. D

Sorry, bump keeps getting in my way

I am now 38 wks and 4 days, so 10 sleeps to go, have had a few off days this week, just anxious about it all, even though I know what I am doing and that I can birth this baby quite easily, it still can get a bit much.

things just seem to be cruising in regards to the pregnancy, baby isn't in the best position so I spend a good 2 hrs a day sitting or leaning on the swiss ball, its comfy enough and hopefully we will have turned bubs around.

I got my hair done on Thursday, yes I know I wasn't going to dye it for a year but I have been feeling so crap about things that I went and got some blonde foils done,

I have added my latest bump photo, taken today, am feeling huge, I now cant do up my goretex jacket which I could do two weeks ago, and my tummy extends for a good 10cm past my feet.

love D

37 weeks today

so only 21 sleeps til due date, I am feeling huge, bubs seems to be posterior which is very uncomfy and I am having problems sleeping. I also seem to have cankles today which I arent liking.

I am finding it more difficult to get around now, I use crutches pretty much everytime I leave the house unless I am pushing the pram, I have a massive waddle going which is not great either.

I went to the movies this morning which I really enjoyed, I saw "this is it" the Michael Jackson documentary, it was amazing, makes you wonder what sort of spectacular the concerts would have been. It was the first time I have been to the movies since O was about 3 months old, so it was nice to enjoy the experience again.


its november

wow, its due date month, a bit scary really but I was laying in bed last night with Ben and bubs was going nuts movement wise and he said that he just wants to meet it now... I am with him on this, it feels like its taken forever to get to this stage.

Bubs is niggling away, which is good means things should be easier for the birth, but its frustrating when you are uncomfy.

I am taking miss K up to delivery suite after school so she can see where Bubs will be born, Paula is going to meet us up there so she can answer miss K's questions about it.

I also have to organise a small 2nd birthday for mr O, his birthday is the 20th so I am hoping to avoid having bubs too close to his birthday, I havent even thought about a present for him either, better get on to that soon otherwise I will forget or have to rush.


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